Strand Girls - Simply the Best

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Payment of the subscription is acceptance of these terms

Please note that we do not issue refunds if you cannot access the site, or read and display the images or WMV video files, due to a problem which we diagnose as being with your computer hardware, software, firewall, router or your Internet Service Provider.

We will assist you as best we can to enable access but if we are able to successfully access the site using your account ID and password and the relevant files are in place and downloadable on our server, you accept that we have fulfilled our commitment to provide the service. We will provide proof of such access if required to contest any charge-back made. When you join username and password details are given to you automatically by the billing company.
AOL or other Parental Controls MUST be disabled for you to use this site.

All technical enquiries and problems should be reported via our
Help Desk.


AOL or other Parental Controls MUST be disabled for you to use this site

© Copyright 2002/2003/2004/2005/2006/2007/2008 This site and all images are the property of  (Strand Productions) .
Downloads are allowed for private use only and may not be posted to any newsgroups or web sites.
Using these images without explicit written permission for commercial purposes
in any kind is a violation of national and international copyright law.